Fellowship Luncheon

October 27, 2023

Event details

Calendar Icon
October 27, 2023
Time Icon
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Location Icon
763, S Sawtooth Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85001

Join us for a warm and inviting luncheon following the Sunday service. It's an opportunity to build friendships, share stories, and strengthen our sense of community over a delightful meal.

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Anticipated Event Experience

Experience the Sacred Sanctuary Community

Are you ready to embark on a journey of faith, community, and spiritual growth? We invite you to plan a visit to Sacred Sanctuary and become part of our loving and vibrant church family. Whether you're new to the area or seeking a spiritual home, we welcome you with open arms.

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You'll be greeted with a friendly smile and a sense of belonging from the moment you step through our doors.

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Join us in worship as we lift our voices and hearts in praise and adoration of our Lord.

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Experience the joy of community as you build lasting friendships and grow in faith.

Returning person

Explore our diverse ministries and find your place to serve, learn, and connect.